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Traffic Arbitrage Terms - Learning from scratch, where to start?

Traffic Arbitrage Terms - Learning from scratch, where to start?

Channel with current information:
Affiliate program website:

Affiliate Marketing in the modern sense is the purchase of impressions or clicks in the advertising network and their subsequent sale according to offers from advertisers (offers).

Unlike simple "buy cheaper, sell dearer" speculation, the webmaster has to come up with advertisements (creatives), optimize campaigns, search for the most attractive offers for the target audience, and so on. And it's all a payback position, so without terms and basic concepts in traffic arbitrage, you won't be able to work effectively with an affiliate program and an advertiser.

Arbitrage is not a gamble, but a profession that requires diligence and skills on which your earnings and their stability depend. A lot of attention needs to be paid to promotional materials such as creatives, this is the main component of the success of an arbitrator.

How did it all start?

Traffic arbitrage was born in the early noughties, when the Internet was young, but many saw it as a source of income. In those years, no one monitored the advertising on the Internet: viruses were inserted into e-mail newsletters, and any porn site contained malware.

Traffic exchanges practically did not exist, and search robots were just beginning to develop. Therefore, webmasters had no problem using free traffic.


-Dorwei. These are sites optimized for one or more search queries. The aim - to get to the top of search results.

-SDL. Sites for people with articles. Content contains useful information, but his task - mining traffic for search queries for resale.

-MFA. Made For Adsence is a kind of sites that are created specifically to make money by placing contextual advertising service Google Adsense. The creators of MFA aim to attract as many visitors as possible who will click on the ad units.

The Internet has made adult content more accessible than ever, at the same time, affiliate programs offering compensation for brought clients began to appear on the first webcam and dating sites. The arbitrage of the 1990s was very different from what it is now - it did not require regular optimization of campaigns, and conversion was stable and high.

At the same time, there were a number of click exchangers. Everybody knows about click exchangers (sites where users perform tasks and get money for it). Example of tasks - likes in social networks, clicks on banners, registration on the site, etc.. One of the first examples of online earning was attracting users to pyramid schemes, binary options and sales of nutritional supplements.

Arbitrators at that time could make a fortune in a couple of months. There were examples of people earning $10,000 a day with minimal expenses.

At the end of the noughties, a vertical of nutrition was formed. Dietary supplements and weight loss/beauty products merged into nutra-offers (goji berries and green coffee). They really bombed in those moments, and ROIs of 300-400% were commonplace.

SEO, because of the evolution of the search engine, was getting harder. Torrent trackers, where free traffic was mined, began to check giveaways. Links exchangers bunkered off, most sites have turned into dump sites. At that moment it became clear that we have to pay for traffic. And it was then that it became clear that we had to pay for traffic.

The last breakthrough can be considered the emergence of CPI-offers for utilities. "You have a virus!" - remember? These leads were great on popanders, bringing arbitrageurs profit and ad networks a headache. 

Now advertisers closely monitor the quality of traffic, requiring KPIs and no missleading (misleading the user). Flood and motivated traffic are also forbidden.

Basic Terms:

Approve - in arbitrage the term means confirmation and approval of leads. In some affiliates, you can see the percentage of the apprpulse for the offers, which is the ratio of the total number of leads/target actions to the number of approved (confirmed by the affiliate).

The terms are good, but if you do not use them in practice, you will quickly forget the meaning of obscure words. We recommend to study terms together with training. No money? No problem. Check out the top free arbitration courses on our site - you don't have to pay anything to start learning.

Bourge - everything related to foreign traffic, mostly from the U.S. and Western Europe.

Vertical - a direction of offers, united by common characteristics. Below we will consider each vertical separately.

Conversion (conversion, CS) - the ratio between the total number of clicks on the ad link to the landing page and the number of leads.

Landing - landing page, the landing page where you want to pour traffic. Used in the meaning of "arbitrator landing page" - a personal landing page with an affiliate link, and "affiliate link landing" - a ready-made landing page.

Preland - a "padding" site, needed in arbitrage to whet the client's interest in the offer. Unlike dorwei, where the content does not matter, the emphasis here is on the content, in order to warm up the interest of the potential lead.

Targeting - the collection of CA on certain criteria: geographic location (geotargeting), age, gender. The terms of the offers is usually defined target audience targeting, but sometimes you want to experiment in its search, set up their own criteria for display in advertising networks, etc.

Trafback (trafficback) - redirecting traffic. It is used in arbitrage if the source of traffic does not correspond to the criteria of an offerer. For example, users from an undesirable region, who clicked on a link, are automatically redirected to another page.

Tracker - traffic tracking system. It is also used in arbitrage to test the effectiveness of bundles, redistribute traffic flows, and analyze an advertising campaign. Popular multifunctional trackers - Binom, Keitaro, Octotracker etc.

Freud - from "fraud". This word stands for low-quality traffic, including its prohibited types, and any other means of deceiving the offerer. For example, the generation of fake leads, or masking redirects from banned sources - forage.


Gambling is from "gambling" (casino). Offers are represented by various brands of casinos and bookmaker's offices, the main task is to attract deposits for the advertiser.

Dating - from "dating" (dating). Offers are represented by different dating sites. In turn, they are divided into two categories: adult - dating for sex, and mainstream - everything else.

Crypto - everything related to cryptocurrencies. This is not only trading and investment offers, but also offers that offer training. The latter are considered white, and suitable for promotion even on sites with strict moderation (Facebook, Instagram)

Nutra - beauty and health products. Usually dietary supplements for a variety of purposes - weight loss, beauty skin and hair, etc.

Educational (essays, essay) - affiliate sites for writing student essays and other papers. Predominantly foreign. A kind of - offers for writing resumes. The latter, unlike educational, do not have a clearly defined seasonality.

Sweepstakes are draws for in-demand and usually expensive goods. These can be electronics, jewelry, concert tickets, etc. Payment is usually on CPL (per lead - registration of the participant).

Tovarka - partnerships, where as the offerers are presented trending goods. The payment model - CPA for the confirmed order.

Finance - partnerships of banks and MFIs. Payment by CPL for the completed application, or CPA - for the approved one.

e-Commerce - are affiliate online stores, which allow you to earn on the sale of their products. They differ from merchandise by the fact that it is the stores, rather than products, that act as offerers. In addition, e-commerce is a broader concept, which includes not only the sale of physical goods, but also services.

Wap-click - affiliates offering monetization of mobile traffic through the system of paid subscriptions.

Types of advertising:

Contextual - ads based on keys from the user's search results. For example, if a user is looking for dating/casino sites, Yandex.Direct and Google ads will show him relevant ads for his query. Semantic core collection is used. Traffic can be branded and generic, not all advertisers are willing to buy branded traffic.

Native advertising is organic, unobtrusive advertising. Sometimes confused with contextual, but native differs primarily in its organicity. For example, advertising of weight loss products through an objective review or first-person review - native.

Targeted advertising is advertising that will be shown only to a specific target audience with common characteristics (geo, gender, age, interests). It is often used in social networks, as it is easiest to collect information about users and configure the display.

Teaser - from the English "tise" (to entice). This advertisement attracts customer's attention with intriguing text and images, provoking him to click on it.A kind of teaser advertisement is push notifications.

Clickunder is a way to get traffic when clicking on any part of the opened page is a redirect to the landing page. 

Popunder is a pop-up window, on clicking on which the landing page opens. 

We have described above what popunder and clickander are in detail.

Push notifications (push notifications) - notifications popup, which are shown to the user. They are used in both mobile and dextopnoy advertising. 

SEO-promotion - promotion of an offer with the help of keywords, often used in relevant queries. It is used on their own websites, forums, blogs and sometimes on social networks. Also refers to ASO - promotion within mobile stores - Google Play, App Store.

Dorway - a one-page site that serves as a redirect to a landing page. Refers to the "gray" methods of arbitrage.

Advanced Terms:

A/B test (A/B test) - marketing research, which analyzes the effectiveness and conversion rate of similar creatives in conjunction with the offerer.

Affiliate network - an affiliate network that provides interaction between the advertiser and the partner (webmaster). It gives access to offers in different verticals.

Advertiser - customer (advertiser) that offers affiliate network an advertising product and payment for certain actions on the CPA-model (paid application, registration etc.)

Approval Rate (AR) - the percentage of successful conversions approved by the advertiser.

BID - the rate per click or thousand (when working on CPM).

Black-list - a list of sites from a specific traffic source that we block in an advertising campaign because of their low efficiency/authenticity.

CAP (leadcap) - limit of an offerer on number of conversions per day. There are both local restrictions for one administrator, and global - for the entire network.

Clicks - number of clicks on ads or number of conversions to the tracker.

Cloak (cloak) - a way to hide your own banding from the moderators of the affiliate network. The principle is that moderators show one version of the page (suitable under the rules of the source), and real users have another, containing the offer.

CR (Conversion rate, conversion ratio) is the ratio of the total number of conversions to the total number of attracted users. This ratio allows to estimate the effectiveness of the approach and creativity.

CTR (click-through rate) is the ratio of the number of clicks on the banner or ad to the number of impressions and is measured in percent. For example, your ad unit was displayed once and only one person clicked on it. Thus, its CTR is 100%. If it is displayed 4 times, and two users have clicked on it, the CTR will be 50%.

eCPM (effective cost per mille) - the optimal cost for 1000 displays of banners, links, advertising blocks. It is calculated by the formula "(income / total impressions)*1000". It helps to estimate the effectiveness of the advertising campaign, in order to set the right bid.

EPC (earn per click) is the average webmasters earnings per click.

Hold is the period of time given to the advertiser or system to verify a specific action of the visitor before paying to the arbitrator.

Impressions - the number of impressions of ads (how many times users saw the ad).

Landing - is a web page which attracts traffic to the arbitrator. There are two types of landings: own landings, which advertise an offer and offer to do the target action here and now, and prelending (padding), which increase confidence in the proposed product, rousing user interest, and translate it to the page itself offers.

Lead - attracted user, who can make the desired target action.

LP Clicks - clicks from the landing page to the offer.

LP CTR (Landing page Click-through rate) - A measure of how often users click from a landing page to an offer.

Offer is an offer in the affiliate network. It includes: the description of the product or service, the requirements for the traffic sources, promotional materials, the amount of payment to the webmaster, the hold conditions, etc.

Postback (connection between partner network and tracker) is a system of transferring conversions from partner network to tracker that allows to find out which advertising campaign or source gives the most conversions, which ads work best, as well as other information with which help the optimization of campaigns takes place.

Revshare (revenue sharing) - a working model in which the webmaster receives a percentage of the advertiser's revenue.

Revenue - the amount of money received for the payment of conversions within the advertising campaign.

ROI (Return Of Investment) - is the return on investment. It is the ratio of the received profit from advertising to the expenses for it.

Traffic source (traffic source) - advertising platform where webmaster places his ad (websites, teaser and push networks, mobile applications, etc.).

Tracker (tracker) - a system used by the arbitrator to track users and analyze the advertising campaign. Its functions include calculation of traffic cost; revenue received as a result of traffic conversion into leads; profit received; as well as detailed statistics on different parameters and segments.

Vertical - category of the offerer, its focus.

White-list - list of sites in the source with high traffic efficiency.

Basic for the job:

SubID is a sub-account in an affiliate system, allows you to set a label for tracking statistics, usually has the form http://[affiliate URL]/[referrer]/SUBID. It is very useful for testing different methods of advertising. For example, we have a dozen of different ads that draw traffic from one source (say, a VK group). Each of these 10 ads has a separate SubID and we follow the results for each of them (CTR, conversion, ROI), gather a sufficient amount of statistics, draw conclusions about the test results and run the most effective ads. Additionally, some affiliates allow you to use dynamic SubID, which opens up unique opportunities to segment traffic that cannot be targeted by usual means. For example, you can get information (country, city, referral url source, keywords) about teaser or media traffic, compare conversion rates and manage traffic.

CPA (Cost Per Action, cpa, sipay) - pay per action, usually refers to the name of the industry as a whole. Often includes CPS and CPL, although in a narrow sense all these terms are slightly different. But most often, the term CPA is used for both CPS and CPL. By action we mean any registration, filling of phone numbers or e-mail addresses, filling of forms (though forms are CPL in a pure form), registration and payment of the order. In the narrow sense, the main difference between CPA and CPL is that the result of CPL - is the interested client. To be more precise - contact details of the interested customer. Here is a mobile subscription - it's CPA, and the completed application for a loan - it's CPL. Even more on the CPA Man blog, there's an article on what CPA marketing is. 

CPC (Cost Per Click, cpc) is price per click, a metric that all PPCs use. At the same time, it denotes a scheme where you pay for clicks, not for displays or anything else. 

CPL - (Cost Per Lead) - Payment Per Lead, not often used, usually when they say CPA they mean also CPL. See CPL for details. CPA. 

CPM - (Cost Per iMpression, Cost Per Mille, cpm, sipiem) - the cost of payment per thousand impressions and the simultaneous designation of the scheme, when displays are bought, but not clicks or something else. 

CPM vs PPC - the difference, because by definition CPM is the cost to buy/sell per thousand impressions, and PPC - cost per clicks and the minimum price per thousand impressions can be from 0,10 USD, PPC rate from 0,01 USD, then you need to know and calculate CTR and conversion rate. Decisions to buy and sell traffic by CPM or PPC scheme are made only on the basis of reliable and actual statistics and calculations. 

CPS - (Cost Per Sale, cps, sipi) - payment per sale, also often is said to be CPA, but it's not quite true. There is a fixed - when you pay one payment for any sale to the publisher and rev. share, % - when you pay a percentage of the order.

Tiers - the classification of countries by living standards.

There are 3 TIRAs in total:

Tier #1 - USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Western European countries.

Tier #2 - Rest of Europe, CIS, Africa, Asia, Latin America.

Tier #3 - The poorest countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The higher the tier, the more:

traffic is more expensive;

competition is higher;

the rules are stricter;

the payouts are greater.


Thus, we have reviewed the basic arbitrage terms. This is by no means a complete dictionary of arbitrage and affiliate marketing, but we have tried to list the necessary concepts and definitions. We hope that our dictionary will be useful to you.

To connect your offerer or an offerer that you would be interested in starting traffic, contact!

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